Necromancers Killed our Master Club

Weapons of Less Destruction (GLOGtober 23 Challenge 1 #4)

GLOGtober Challenge #1: Rolled a 4, Magic items that are unintentionally also magic weapons.

Cleansing Rod.

A failed mage was known for washing not as often as they should. They had a distaste for the sense of water flowing over them and therefore decided to solve this problem as their graduate project. The rod cleansed them quite effectively, however as their graduation approached they began to lose weight, they got pale and started to grow sickly despite eating well. When they passed away the chirurgeon concluded that he had cleansed his humor's and thus doomed himself to a slow death.

The Cleansing Rod can be used, over 1 minute, to cleanse a person of all filth. Thus rendering them clean and even smelling pleasantly of  lavender (giving a +1 to social checks). However the cleansed person can no longer benefit from Recovery or rations and will begin to starve. 

A highly skilled medical practitioner may be able to come up with a cure: drinking a healthy persons bile or other digestive fluids.

Cursed Tome

The librarian had noticed a distinct trend, the romance novels were disappearing at a staggering rate, however none were being booked out. So he decided to make a trap to catch the horny thief.

This tome appears to be a cheaply bound romance novel attached to a length of rope. Whoever touches the tome will find whatever parts of them touched it covered in a in invisible in that glows in the dark. This ink transfers on touch to other objects or places allowing one to follow the trail.

The tome acts as a flail, however on a hit the target is marked and they can be followed by their trail as long as it is dark enough to see the glowing ink.

Telekinetic Sewing Kit

They became quite common nearby the magic school, many students would make them for a quick profit. A simple telekinesis spell on a sewing kit, the tailors would pay top dollar to be able to sew with two free hands. It all ended however with the Seamstress Murder's where an assassin earned fame by using poisoned needles from the kits to fulfil their contacts. Now they are black market items, purchased by both assassins' and tailors wherever they can find them.

This sewing kit contains 2d6 needles inside that can be guided by a user with mental commands (Sewing kit gives +1 to all related checks). These needles can be flung as if by a magic missile spell at enemies, dealing 1d4 damage each. Unlike magic missile these needles can be poisoned.

Hedge Mages Spells*

The hedge mages are known for being a practical folk, some are known for their incredible skill with a wide range of spells. Most however are just simple craftspeople, using utility spells to support people. Some people, with less sense than muscles, attempt to take from them like they were simple craftsmen, they are quick to learn that simple utility magic can have other effects.

Cantrip: Mending

With 10 minutes of time any minor damage, like tears or cracks,  no larger than your hand can be seamlessly repaired. Skilled users can use it to weld two identical materials together (skill check to do successfully)

1: Light

Slow, visible point, instant 

When cast creates an incredibly bright light, if fired into the air lights up everything in 100ft. If fired close to the ground all creatures within 30ft. must save or be blinded for 1 minute (f) or 3 turns ℗. This also creates long shadows that give a +1 bonus to any attempts to hide on the battlefield.

2: Cooktop

Slow, [dice] Nearby pieces of metal, Concentration

You cause [dice] pieces of metal you can see to glow cherry red allowing you to cook atop it like a camp-fire. If cast on weapons the opponent must drop it or take [sum] damage each turn you maintain the spell. Casting on armor generally is ineffective due to it's size and padding worn beneath it.

3: Green Thumb

Slow, Nearby plants, Instant

You gently nurture plants, sustaining them with magical energy, you can grow plants up to [dice] times their initial volume over 10 minutes, shaping them however you want. You can also release it in a burst to grow plants quickly and entangle anyone in them, entangling up to [dice] opponents standing among plant life. These plants have [sum] HP and take double damage from fire.

4: Condensation

Slow, A nearby point or character, Instant

By pulling the air together you can condense the air around into fog and then into liquid. You can fill [dice] waterskins with water over 10 minutes. You can instead conjure this fog about a person, they must save or lose their turn (f) and be blinded ℗ as they choke on the fog.

5: Longsight

Slow, Self, [dice] rounds

You bend the air around a ring, such as one made by your circled fingers, that ring now acts as a telescope letting you see incredible distances or observe the stars. This removes penalties from ranged attacks past your weapons range and grants a +1 bonus on checks to see distant details.

6: Birdcall

Fast, Nearby point, Instant

You can create illusionary sounds of any animal or voice you have heard. The sounds lack resonance however and intelligent beings will not be fooled unless the sound is disguised somehow (such as being muffled). Beasts however can be easily startled and scared by the sounds of their predators.

If cast directly into a characters ears they must save or be deafened for [sum] rounds.

7:****Unseen Servant

_Ritual (2), Nearby Location, [sum] hours
_You summon an invisible, intangible servant. It will do your bidding and can perform any and all unskilled mundane tasks at the speed a human could perform them. It  cannot go further than the range of the spell away from the location where the spell was cast and can only take a single harmful action, dealing [sum] damage maximum and being dispelled.

*Spellcasting rules

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