Necromancers Killed our Master Club

Collegian Spells (NKOG: Spell Tomes)

A companion to my Wizards, here are 5 spell Tomes, one for each College.

Astromancy: The Arcane arts that guide magic and prophesy. Taught by the flying Omarim College .
Pyromancy: An ancient art given by the gods, it's surprising depth is practiced by Mage-Generals of Wuford.
Hedge Magic: Collected wisdom of honest tradesmen, the practical magic of Hedge Mages is simple, but effective.
Miracles: These prayers to the saints seem to defy magical theory, but in the hands of faithful Theurgists they work wonders.
Enchantment: The fey were some of the first to practice magic and some say the Witches were the first to steal it.


A heavy tome often more interested in theory than practice, a battered telescope is mounted on the outside and a deck of Tarot Cards spread between the pages.

Cantrip: Measurement
You can instantly make calculations using a trivial magic spell; you can use this to tell the exact time, know the angle and distance to any point you can see, instantly count a pile of objects or other precise measurements.

  1. Personal Constellation

[sum] stars form a constellation about you or an ally you can see. These stars cast light as a torch, one star fading each dungeon round. You may as an action send the stars forth as magical comets, dealing 1d4 damage each to a character in direct line of sight to the stars.

  1. Astrologer's Orrey

Ritual (3)
You call upon the stars and conjure an illusionary orrey showing the position of the stars about you. Using this you can determine your exact location. You may also use this to call upon the mighty horoscopes, choose [sum] predictions from a horoscope, tarot reading or other method of telling the future. You may add +1d to a roll to relevant each of these predictions after which they have been achieved. These predictions expire at the next moonrise.

  1. Theory Of Magnetism

Slow, Concentration
You control a handful of iron within close range for [dice] turns with mysterious forces of magnetism, theorized to hold the stars in the sky. At one [dice] you could steer a chain like a snake, fling a sword through the air or open an iron lock. Each dice you invest increases this effect. At 4 [dice] you could collapse a room or knock over a small army of knights.
Attacks are rolled as ranged attacks with +[dice] bonus and deal [sum] damage.

  1. Track Ley Line

Ritual (3)
You trace the shape of the local ley, the rivers of magic that flow throughout the world. This reveals any sites of power, such as a mages tower, standing stones or portals. For [sum] hours, while you are within the 5 leagues of the location you cast the spell, you know the location of sites of power where resting will grant any casters +1 MD when they recover. Other spells may also gain benefits from this understanding

  1. Walk The Ley

Ritual (3)
You, and [dice]×2 allies within close range, may teleport to a point you have seen within [sum] miles. If the point has changed since you last saw it, does not exist or you are only slightly familiar with it you must save MENT to avoid being sent off course.
If you have a Track Ley Line spell active the area of the ley does not count against the range of the spell and you will never need to save to teleport into that area.

  1. Scry from the Stars

Ritual (3), Concentration
Holding onto a mirror, crystal ball or other reflective surface you may speak the name of a creature you know. If they are within [dice]×100 Miles you will be able to see them in the reflection from the perspective of you birth constellation.
If you invest 3 or more dice, or have a body part (such as a fingernail or strand of hair), you can also hear through the spell.

  1. Passing Serendipity

When an ally makes a roll or save, you may, as a reaction, befriend a prophesy passing by to lend you a touch of it's fate. The ally may reroll the save or roll with [dice] bonus luck dice as they are assisted by a stroke of luck.

Magical Secret: Place of Power
As a 10-clock long term project you can transform a location into a place of power. While in your place of power:


This warm tome has been transcribed by endless hands. It is refined in many ways, the excess being trimmed away with a ruthless efficiency. It has seen battle but survive it all.

Cantrip: Conjure Flame

You can conjure or extinguish flames up to the size of a torch. Additionally you can control these flames and make them leap between your finger and close to your body.

  1. Ash Cloud

Slow, Concentration
You create a cloud of hot ash completely blocking sight in a [dice]×10ft. radius. Any creatures within the cloud must take [sum] damage as they inhale hot ash, save PHYS for half. Prone creatures, or those who cover their mouth with wet cloth, are unaffected by this.

  1. Embers Embrace

You may select a nearby ally, who is surrounded by a cloud of [sum] embers. As an Action or Riposte, the ally can send up to [dice] embers flying at nearby opponents, each dealing [sum] fire damage, the targets may save PHYS to halve the damage.

  1. Flashpoint

You may light all objects in a [dice]×5 ft radius of a point in Mid Range on fire. Creatures in the area take [sum]d4 damage or save PHYS for half.

  1. Guardian Hearth

Ritual (3)
You beseech the spirit of a campfire or hearth to offer you protection. For [sum] hours the flame and any others within [dice]×20ft will not extinguish.
If a creature that wishes you harm enters the light of the flames, they will flare and pop loud enough to wake you. You may declare a specific threat the flames are to ward you from, any such being will be burned by the light, taking [sum] fire damage each round they are lit by the flames.

  1. Reforge the Steel

Slow, Concentration
You cause [dice] pieces of metal you can see in mid range to glow cherry red, this heat will never harm you or your allies but will deal [sum] additional damage to any other creature who touches it unless they choose to throw it aside. Armor has too much padding for this spell to affect creatures wearing it.

  1. Evocation of Flame

You may cast this spell at a maximum level of [dice]×10 ft2 of fire in Mid Range. You may command that flame with a single word, such as "Burn", "Wall" or "Fight". The flame will understand and follow your intention, although it will not willingly harm itself (such as by leaping into water). The flame may act as an Evocation Fire spell of the same level. Other effects may animate the flame for [sum] rounds, or hours if the spell is cast over 10 minutes.

  1. Pyromancy

You may speak to a flame as if it were a living creature. The larger the flame the more intelligent it is and the more [dice] are required to understand it. Flames don't pay attention to much but they can peer into the likely future and distant past.
Candles are about as smart as dogs [1 Dice], Campfires are about as smart as slow-witted men [2 Dice] and forest fires are highly articulate [3 Dice], Volcanoes are dangerous to talk to unprepared [4 Dice]. Some flames can be trained to carry messages or spy on others.

School Secret: Truth of the Phoenix

When you die you may burst into flames, dealing up to your level d6 damage to every creature of your choice within eyesight. When the flames die down a warm egg can be found in the ashes, after 1d4 days you will spill out of the egg, without any of your equipment and reduced to level 0. You do keep your skills and feats but do not gain new feats until you have leveled past your original level (when you level up you may replace a feat with another). When you gain your first XP you may choose a class to begin leveling in.

Hedge Magic

A sturdy leather folio warded with herbs. The tomes pages contains the advice of those who have seen it all. The magic almost secondary to the wisdom of a long life lived.

Cantrip: Mending With 10 minutes of time any minor damage, like tears or cracks,  no larger than your hand can be seamlessly repaired. Skilled users can weld objects of identical material together.

  1. Light

When cast creates a bright light that can be controlled within reach of the caster for [dice] hours (6 dungeon rounds each). As an action can be sent to point within Mid range and expended to to blind all creatures within 30ft for [dice] minutes, save to reduce this to [dice] turns.

  1. Heat Metal

Slow, Concentration
You cause [dice] pieces of metal you can touch to glow cherry red, this heat will never harm you or your allies but will deal [sum] additional damage to any other creature who touches it.
As you increase the dice the temperature the metal glows at will increase. When cast with 1 [dice] the metal becomes as hot as an oven, at 2 as hot as a forge, 3 as hot as a blast furnace, at 4 it reaches the temperature of a volcano or other magical heat sources.

  1. Green Thumb

You gently nurture plants within Mid range, sustaining them with magical energy, you can grow plants up to [dice] times their initial volume over 10 minutes, shaping them however you want. You can also cast the spell instantly to, Grappling up to [dice] opponents standing among plant life. These plants have [sum] HP and take double damage from fire.

  1. Condensation

Slow, Concentration
By pulling the air together you can condense the air around into fog and then into liquid. You can fill [dice] waterskins with water over 10 minutes. You can instead conjure this fog about a person, they are blinded by the thick fog and will lose their turn as they choke on the fog, Save to lose an action, being Slowed, instead.

  1. Longsight

You bend the air around a ring, such as one made by your circled fingers, that ring now acts as a telescope letting anyone who peers through it to see incredible distances or observe the stars. This removes penalties from ranged attacks past your weapons range and grants a +[dice] bonus on checks to see distant details.

  1. Birdcall

You can create [dice] illusionary sounds of any animal or voice you have heard at points within Medium Range. The sounds lack resonance however and intelligent beings will not be fooled unless the sound is disguised somehow (such as being muffled). Beasts however can be easily startled and scared by the sounds of their predators.
If cast directly into a characters ears they will be deafened for [sum] rounds, save PHYS for half.

  1. Unseen Servant

Ritual (2)
You summon an invisible, intangible servant for [sum] hours. It will do your bidding and can perform any and all unskilled mundane tasks at the speed a human could perform them. It  cannot go further than the medium range from the caster and can only take a single harmful action, dealing [sum] damage maximum and being dispelled.

Magical Secret: Tea Reading
A secret borrowed from the witches, you can brew a magical cup of tea and roll a random spell from a thematic tome of magic (eg. A fiery ginger tea might produce a pyromancy spell), you may treat that spell as known until your next recovery. You may know [½level] spells in this way.


The school of miracles can only be cast by Theurgists and other divine spellcasters.

It's binding new, the gilt pages freshly shining, each page tells the tale, and folly, of a saint. The prayers within are penned in an elaborate and passionate hand.

Cantrip: Blessings
You may spend 10 minutes to purify wine into holy oil, bless weapons to harm ghosts and devils, or detect the presence of extra-planar beings within eyesight. You may only have a single one of these effects active at once.

  1. Blessings of St. Zois

Ritual (3)
You speak a prayer of the Gatekeeper in the presence of [sum] dead bodies or undead of under [dice] HD. The bodies cannot rise again as undead until they have been unearthed for [sum] weeks. Undead within earshot are turned, their bodies becoming lifeless or forced into the ethereal realm for [dice] rounds, half on MENT save.

  1. Travels' of St. Cuthbert

Ritual (2) You commune with a symbolic journal of the saint, you may ask [dice] questions about the area and get an answer from the well travelled deity. The answers can only tell you about the area within [dice]×10 Miles.
Example Questions:

  1. Feast of St. Dama

You may bless [dice] pieces of bread, or other small piece of food. Until the next dawn, it becomes supernaturally nourishing and can either be used as an days rations or consumed as an action to recover [sum] stamina.

  1. Revealing Breath of St Bahamut

A 10' radius circle around a point within close range is filled with moonlight for [sum] rounds, at the end of your turn you may move this beam [dice]×5 ft. Any creature beginning their turn in this area take [sum] damage (save for half). Shapechangers do not get a save against this spell, take maximum damage from it, and are forced to revert to their original shape while within the area.

  1. Ballad of St. Oghma

Slow, Concentration
The tragic tale of a lost lover surrounds you and you may shape stone as you wish while you sing his song.
At 1 dice you may move a few kilograms of earth, at 2 dice you can tunnel a dozen yards, at 3 dice you can travel at walking pace beneath the earth, at 4 dice you can tunnel to the chthonic planes.

  1. Wrath of St. Talos

Fast, Concentration
You bless [dice] weapons within close range, they crackle with ominous lightning. Attacks with these weapons deal [sum] additional damage and ignore metal armour.

  1. Wings of St. Charon

You conjure a small set of golden wings, these can instantly carry a message or small object ([dice] slots) to another creature in any location, even on another plane.
Alternatively, they can be attached to your heels to allow you to instantly travel up to [dice]×30ft when you take the move action, the wings vanishing in the process.

School Secret: Wish

With a desperate prayer to the gods lasting days you can call upon them to grant you one wish. This wish can be anything they have the power to do such as raising the dead, destroying a village or granting you incredible wealth. However this act breaches the celestial barrier and allows a greater Fiend into the world, this being will cause untold chaos and it can smell the divines touch on you.


At first glance this locket is nothing more than a simple piece of jewellery, but each secret found guides the reader on a journey of wonder and magic.

Cantrip: Minor Illusion

Create a small illusion of an object that could fit in your hand. This illusion must be a single solid object and does not hold up to physical or detailed inspection.

  1. Lullaby

[dice] hit dice of nearby creatures fall into light slumber for [sum] rounds, or [sum] hit dice for [dice] rounds. Alert characters may save to be stunned instead. Slumbering characters can’t be awoken by anything less vigorous than a slap. Creatures are affected in ascending order of their HD.

  1. Demand Fealty

Ritual (2)
You can bind a creature in close range to be your thrall for [dice] days or save MENT to be bound for [sum] hours instead (the save is modified by the difference between the creatures HD and [dice]). You must know their name and have a lock of their hair or drop of blood. The spell can only effect creatures of less than [dice]×3 HD.
A bound thrall must follow your commands and obey any actions given while bound. If the action would be harmful to it it may save to disobey. This doesn't change the creature's opinions or perspective of you, it just forces obedience onto it.

  1. Call Thy Name

Speak the full name of any creature, and it will hear your voice, and learn your exact location.  As long as you remain in the place you cast the spell, then they will be able to determine the direction you are.  If you leave this place, then this no longer applies.  Finally, you can also send a message equal to [sum] words to the recipient.

  1. Glamor of Dust

Create an illusion, the size of a person, around an object, or a free standing one that lasts for the scene.  It can be any image. Illusions can only add, not remove. For each [dice] added the illusion can also: Smell/Taste, Move, Alter/Make Sounds, Alter Touch or Be as large as a wagon.

  1. Glamor of Wind

Slow, Concentration
[dice] creatures turn invisible.  If they attack or do something strenuous before the time limit is up, they turn visible.

  1. Seal Thine Home

You makes a closed shape of runes over an object or onto a surface of up to 10*[dice] ft.  While these Wards are active, no supernatural creature can pass through the threshold without permission, powerful creatures may be able to save to ignore this. The spell ends if the ward is physically broken or after [sum] hours.
If four or more dice are used on these wards, they are permanent until broken.

  1. Inversion

You can cast this as a free action, whenever someone else casts a spell.  You invert the effects of their spell.  Fire becomes ice, healing becomes hurting, raising the dead means casting down the living, etc.

School Secret: Names of Power

When you know a creature's true name (the name they think of themselves by) you may cast spells on them as if you could see them even when they are hidden. This also allows spells to be cast one range further (far becoming on the same plane)

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