Necromancers Killed our Master Club

Godly Feats (GLOGTober 2 #6)

GLOGtober Challenge #: Rolled a 6, Notes about a family of gods.

Feat: Divine Favor

You have the favor of one of the gods, choose one below and gain the power listed. You can use that power once per session. You can take this feat multiple times to dedicate to multiple gods.

The First Gods

The Shinning One

Father of the gods, the shining one is the flame handed to humanity by Prometheus, the first god born of a titan to face the other titans. 

Power: Turn Undead. You raise your holy symbol as an action and pray as a holy light bursts forth. Any undead lit by it must save or become Fearful (f) and take Half-Level d6 damage ℗

Zin, The Lawbringer

When the His light reflected of the first piece of steel wielded by men the Lawbringer was born. He forged humanity into an army to fell titans.

Power: Truthful Concecration. You alight some holy oil, while someone has their hands held within the flame will not be burnt, unless they lie.

Hestia, The Hearthkeeper

The youngest god, a spark from The Shining One landed upon the fires of those who could not fight and the goddess of the hearth was born.

Power: Comforting Flame. You pray over a Wound and touch a coal from a hearth (a fire that had been used to cook food) to it. That wound becomes completely healed

The Second Generation:

Talos, The Stormbringer

Born of desperation, the titans of storms had called upon clouds to obscure the battlefield from His light. Alone and cut off from his father Zin ordered every archer to fire up, they pierced the clouds and a single beam of his light flew down. The first lightning bolt was Talos, who led the fight and felled the first titan, claiming the storm as his own.

Power: As lightning moves. As an action you instantly fly your full movement, becoming surrounded in winds and lightning. Any characters you pass over or though take Half-Level d6 damage.

Zois, The Gravekeeper

Zin came back from the field of battle to find Hestia covered in mud from digging graves. Despite his exhaustion he dug alongside her. The shovel they held, stained in the tears of two gods became Zois, who mourned for the fallen.

Power: Still the Dead. You can speak the rites over a corpse and place silver coins on the eyes. The body cannot be animated as undead or otherwise possessed unless the body is desecrated and 1d6 years pass. This works on undead.

Dama, The Weeping

The people starved and Hestia could do nothing. She cared for them as best she could but they could barely stand. The Shining One saw their plight and with Hestia helped them learn to grow fields. The seeds sown by the gods grew Dama, who wept for her starving people.

Power: Reap and Sow. By praying over a crop or fruit tree you can conjure rations equal to your level. These rations never spoil, even after they've been processed.

The Chthonic Ones

Only spoken of in hushed tones, the Chthonic deities live beneath the ground where dead souls pass by. They are taboo to talk of and have very few worshipers.


When the gods had beat each titan they found that the people could not live while they still remained in the mortal realm. So they forged chains, to imprison the Titans elsewhere. Those chains are Tartarus who digs forever deeper to bury the titans away from the gods people.

Power: Chains Below. With a dark prayer to the lord of chains you call upon his power, a character you can see is dragged by chains beneath the earth for a turn, before being ejected at the end of your next turn.


An offspring forbidden by the gods, when Tartarus dug into the realm he found a companion who was not his prisoner. The titan Hecate had hidden where the gods could not find her, and from this union of god and magic was born Hypnos, a god of magic. 

Power: Lost among Dream. When you sleep you can travel, and bring allies with you, into someone you knows dreams. The dream acts as dreams would be expected, when they wake up they will think it was just a normal dream, and not suspect magic unless they have significant reason too. 


When they found the River where mortal souls flowed in an endless cycle between life and death, the gods knew they could not leave such a place unguarded, so it was that Hades was born, climbing from the river to protect their souls.

Power: Lord of Jewels. You may call forth rare minerals, however they yearn to return beneath the ground and so cannot be sold and must immediately be worked into something new to prevent them from sinking back into the earth.

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