Necromancers Killed our Master Club

1d8 Goblin Flavors

Here's 1d8 goblin flavors for you campaign. Goblins are one of my favorite creatures in all their varaities. Heres 8 goblin types, most of which can be killed without guilt, and one that can definately not.

1d8 Description When they are killed they...
1 Fey beings that are made up of cobwebs and dust, they reclaim forgoten and lost buildings for the wild. Must be cleared or they'll grow in numbers and reclaim entire villages ...are sent back to the feywild, and are immediately distracted.
2 Fey beings that act out fairytales, often kidnap the local "princess" and commit 'vile acts', but they're harmless and just annoying. ...are sent back to the feywild, and are immediately distracted.
3 Undead reflections of those murdered in atrocities, they appear as exaggerated caricatures and have a particular hate for those resembling the ones who killed them. ...are freed from their cursed existence.
4 A wizards creations, born from a cauldron they follow every order without question or thought. Often left behind when moving as they are easy to make more of. ...are freed from their cursed existence
5 People, hated by society for a past atrocity. They hide in ruins and the wilds, will beg for their lives. ... die.
6 Rodents, when enough rats gather together they form a goblin, when enough goblins combine they form a king. Barely intelligent enough to use basic tools, but not make them. They don't have a language and make nests. ...die.

#Monster #System Neutral