Necromancers Killed our Master Club

HEX Debt (GLOG Class: Collegian)

The Collegian class is the Wizard equivalent in NKOG. To start off a brief explanation of how mages works in Neria:

A mage must be created by a special ritual, the secrets of which are hidden to a select few groups, which binds the Mage to a spirit. The connection between caster and spirit acts like a net, it gathers magical power (Magic Dice) and can be used to catch spells1 by calling their names.
Once a spell has been cast it leaves an imprint on the bond, this allows the spell to be more easily cast but also prevents other spells from being cast in that same "space". As a mage grows in experience they deepen and broaden their bond, allowing more spells to be cast and a wider array of imprinted spells.

Collegian Class

Starting Equipment: Robes from your college, A staff or other weapon (weapon), A tome filled with your notes and research

Background Question: Who was your mentor?

XP Trigger: Apply the lessons learned in your college

Class Type: Mage

Starting Stamina: 4

Ability: Spellcasting

MD: 2+INT+Level, Max MD: [½level]
Return: 1-2, Imprinted Spells: 2+INT
Spells Known: You begin knowing 1 tome of magic of your choice.
Gained Spells: Gain either +1 tome or +1 slot per template. These are included in the level table.

A: Mages College A Tome of Magic2
B: College Ability +1 Tome or Slot
C: College Ability +1 Tome or Slot
D: Magical Secret +1 Tome or Slot

A: College

Nobody can learn magic alone, and since the purge of many mages by the Regent Uther d'Salies mages have become concentrated into a few large schools each with their own secrets and quirks.

Choose one of the Colleges bellow and gain the abilities at the listed levels.

Omarim College of Magic (Wizard)
Generals College of Wuford (Battlemage)
Apprenticeship of Magic (Hedge Mage)
The Temple of True Magic (Cleric)
Student of the Hidden Coven (Witch)

D: Magical Secret

You gain a powerful Secret from one of your Tomes of magic or come up with your own secret, such as deigning a unique spell.

Omarim College of Magic (Wizard)

The largest college, this floating island hosts an entire city lifted into the air to escape a siege by the witchunters. Now they have become the most prestigious college for skilled casters and artificers, although their battlemages are known to be unprepared for the reality of battle.

Recommended Starting Tome: [Astromancy](\spell-tomes-1)

A: Spellbook Casting

You may cast spells directly from a spellbook you have made, not needing to imprint them. This either takes 10 minutes to set up a ritual or can be done by tearing out the page, destroying it in the process. You can rewrite your known spells into the book as a downtime action.

If you obtain another wizards spellbook or a scroll you may copy over any spells but may only cast them from your spellbook. If your spellbook is destroyed you can make a new one with 1 coins worth of supplies but it will only have the spells you have learned from your class in it.

B: Thesis

As a graduate of Omarim you completed a thesis project in the form of a Grand Ritual or Magical Item. You may gain a magical item with your DM's approval or choose a spell as your thesis focus. When you create a grand ritual using that

C: Advanced Learning

Choose one of your spell Tomes as a specialization, when casting spells from that Tome you regain any MD that roll a 1-3. Additionally, you may either take an additional tome of magic or gain +1 slot, in addition to the other benefits from this level.

Generals College of Wuford (Battlemage)

The bastion of humanity Wuford has defended Pedrith from countless invasions. They stowed their teachings during the magekillers reign and he dared not challenge them. After his fall the teachers and tomes were dusted off and teaching battlemagic resumed.

Recommended Starting Tome: [Pyromancy](\spell-tomes-1)

A: Battle Casting

You are trained to cast spell even in the heat of battle. You can cast spells while wearing up to medium armor. Additionally you can push yourself to cast a slow spell without provoking an attack of opportunity.

B: Tactical Spell Choices

Each time you gain a template, including this one, you may choose 3 additional spells to learn by rote. You may spend a downtime Training new spells in this manner, exchanging one of the spells gained by this feature with another you have a scroll or spellbook for.

C: Magical Artillery

You have mastered the art of arcing your magic as a projectile. You may cast spells without direct line of sight or up to 1 band beyond their range. However there must be some path for the magic to follow. For spells with a single target must succeed on an attack roll to hit.

Partial successes on this attack roll halve the [dice] and [sum] of the spell, or another effect as determined by the GM.

Apprenticeship of Magic (Hedge Mage)

While most mages sheltered in the city that become Omarim or fled to the north a few mages hid among the smaller villages and hamlets, practicing herbology and common medicine they hid until the danger had passed. Without the secret rituals used to create new mages they instead figured out a method of passing along their familiars to their apprentices, creating a lineage of magic.

Recommended Starting Tome: [Hedge Magic](\spell-tomes-1)

A: Familiar

You have a magical Familiar bonded to you that has been passed down by generations, you gain the Shared Soul Tag for free and may pick 2 additional tags.

Your familiar is old and surprisingly wise, you can once per session ask any question of magic or history to your familiar and they will know something useful on the matter.

B: Lesser Magic

While lesser magics are often scorned by highly skilled mages you know the value of these spells. You can choose to gain a cantrip from a Tome you do not know every second level and when casting spells with 1 MD you regain the MD if you roll a 1-3.

C: Apprentice Caster

You gain or appoint an apprentice, a trusted mage who can share your magic.\ They have a single imprinted slot and a number of MD equal to half your level. They can cast spells you have prepared if you instruct them how. Your apprentice will not betray you without extreme cause and if they die your magic will return to you and you may appoint a new apprentice.

If you die you may continue playing as your apprentice, beginning at half your previous characters level and gaining 1 additional skill from them.

The Temple of True Magic (Cleric)

The church of the three is a religions movement only a few centuries old, they worship 3 gods (The Shining One, Zin the Law bringer, and Hestia the Hearthkeeper) above all others. The church decries most magic as imitations of the magic given to mortals by the gods. They teach their own magic which would be the ridicule of the other colleges if it wasn't capable of doing seemingly impossible things.

Recommended Starting Tome: [Miracles](\spell-tomes-1) and [Pyromancy](\spell-tomes-1)

A: Miracles of Magic

You can perform miracle, acts of magic that are known to be impossible to conventional spellcasters or otherwise acts of magic that come from the deities and saints of the three. You gain the spell tome of Miracles.

B: Greater Miracles

You gain the following 3 spells:

The Copper Hearth

Ritual (3)
You pray over a touched creatures wounds, the goddess of the hearth lays her healing hands upon them, [dice] wounds close over on the creature and are removed, however the goddess takes their energy for this they will lose 6×Wounds Removed - [sum] maximum stamina until they recover.

The Silver Law

Ritual (1)
You bless a holy text with the Lawbringers favour and swear on it, any character who willingly swears over the text, including yourself, cannot lie and can be forced to answer [dice] questions. If they lie they are cursed by the gods for all to see.

The Golden Light

Ritual ([sum]), Concentration
By praying to the highest god you may emit a magical light while you maintain the prayer, this light pierces all illusions and darkness even magical darkness. Undead or unholy beings must save when they enter the light or [dice]d8 damage as their sins are burned away.

C: Divine Intervention

You can call upon the gods to grant you favor, you may as a ritual (10) cast a spell you do not know or have the slots for with [Level] MD, however you must accept a penance for your god, such as slaying an unholy being or telling only truths, before you can call upon them again.

Student of the Hidden Coven (Witch)

Originally taught by the Hags of Darso the covens are secretive and often hunted. Their deals are often considered foul and they are mistrusted by most. However the people are often willing to overlook this when a Witch offers something they desire.

Recommended Starting Tome: [Enchantment](\spell-tomes-1) or [Curse](\spell-tomes-2)

A: Witches Doom

When you cast a spell you have no limit on the number of dice you can invest and MD return on a 1-3. However, if you roll doubles you invoke a Mishap, a temporary unwanted magical effect, if you roll triples you gain a Doom, a permeant change to your being. When you gain your second Doom you may choose to retire, either making a new character or resetting to level 1 in a new class (while keeping your feats and skills).

Mishaps (1d6)

  1. Take 1d6 damage from magical backlash.
  2. The stench of rot hangs around you, anyone who smells it will know you for what you are.
  3. Grass dies, flowers wilt, milk spoils in a 50' radius.
  4. Animals react with fear upon seeing you, except dogs, ravens and cats who bow to you unnaturally.
  5. You are unable to willingly cross flowing water, enter homes without permission or step foot on hallowed ground.
  6. Transformed into a cat for 1d6 hours. You can still cast spells.

Mishaps last for [dice] days, unless otherwise stated.


B: Deal Maker

You can make magical deals, fulfilling peoples desires in exchange for abstract prices. When you spend more than a few days in a location you will be able to find d12+CHA people willing to make deals. Beyond this number the authorities will begin to notice your activities.

Roll d8 twice on the table below to find the terms and price of the deal, you do not have to accept a deal. When you complete a deal by granting them their goal you may either gain 1 temporary MD that is expended on use or bind the price into a trinket which can be destroyed to gain the benefit listed.

With your GM's approval you may alter or expand this table. You may also design your own deals and prices to be made with known characters.

1d8 Deal Price
1 Punish someone who hurt them A Possession that represents a Memory. Gain +2 to a skill for a single skill check, this does not count against your normal maximum.
2 Grant them Knowledge A letter containing a Secret. A Favor that also functions like a Secret (see downtime).
3 Free them of a debt. A gift with their Name is engraved upon it. A seamless disguise that will never be uncovered.
4 Give them Strength to defeat someone. A symbol of their Faith in the gods. You may cast 1 Miracle .
5 Find someone lost A lock of hair which gives Will. A cast spell cannot rolls triples
6 Heal a milady or disease inflicting them A diary of their Dreams. You gain an additional XP Goal that can only be triggered once.

C: Poppet

When you Recover you may bind spells you know into trinkets on your person. You may expend the trinket to cast the spells as if from a scroll, not rolling dooms or mishaps when you do. You may not have more than [½Level] MD of spells bound into poppets at any given time.

When you make a deal with a mage you may take their spells as the price. Spells taken in this way are counted as Known for the purpose of creating poppets. If you obtain another witch or hags poppet you may similarly treat the spell within as known.

  1. Spells are magical creatures that archmages create by binding together fragments of magic from natural magic (such as the innate magic of Dragons and the Fey), powerful beings (such as Deities or Genies) or Grand Rituals (which are themselves based of a spell). Casting a spell requires knowing the name it was bound with and understanding the complexities of how the magic interacts with the world and can be guided, lest you cast fireball in your own face.

  2. Some Tomes are detailed in the post Collegian Spells and Dangerous and Forbidden.

#Class #GLOG #NKoG