Necromancers Killed our Master Club

Arrrr (GLOG: Ship Rules)

I've been strugging to find a set of ship rules that I'm happy with, from an old system I adapted from Stars Without Number feeling to complex to other glog systems and even the 5e rules in Saltmarsh feeling too complex and arbitrary. I've settled on the following simple, but hopefully enjoyable system.

Creating a ship

A ship is characterised by a few elements.
HD (Hull Dice): Are the health pool of a ship, each HD can be thought of as a life. Range from 1-18
Armor: Is any plating, reinforced wood or magical enchantment that defends a ship from attack. Range from 1-5
Sails: Are the best method of categorising how large a ship is. Range from 1-3
Speed: Is how many hexes a vessel can travel forward, turning also costs 1 speed. Equals: 6x[sails]-[HD]-[Armor]
Crew: is the number of actions a vessel can take (in the case of player vessels, crew is the number of player characters). Each crew is not a single person, but a team, often called a watch. *Normally is 1/3 HD rounded up


For each speed a ship may spend 1 to; Move 1 hex Forward or Rotate 1 once (1/6 of the hex) .
Wind: Ships have double the speed from sails when traveling directly with the wind and half the speed when sailing directly into the wind. At the start of each round roll a d6, the wind moves 1 turn towards that direction. \


Ship combat takes place in rounds, with each round taking approximately an hour.
Initiative functions on card or bag initiative, each ship puts a token into the bag for each crew they have, and they are drawn randomly to determine turn order. The drawn vessel may make 1 action on their turn.



All attacks take place in a contested roll.

Attackers: Damage Vs Defenders: Hit Dice (1d8)+Armor
If Attacker rolls higher: Enemy loses 1 HD or Attacker chooses a Crisis
If Defender rolls higher: Defender randomly roll a Crisis


Contested roll of d6+[crew]. Players may each add STR or DEX instead of [crew].
Side with lower roll loses 1 crew.
Attacker may choose to fall back or repeat the roll. If all crew on a ship is defeated that ship is Dead in the Water.


D6 Crisis
1 Man Overboard: Lose an action unless the ship resolves the crisis before moving.
2 Tangled Rigging: The ship cannot turn until the crisis is resolved.
3 Punctured Sail: Speed is reduced by 3 until the crisis is resolved
4 Leaking Hull: Speed reduced by 1 each round until the crisis is resolved
5 Damaged Weapons: A random ship weapon is disabled until crisis is resolved
6 Fire: Roll a HD against the number of rounds the fire has been burning, losing a hit dice if you roll under.

Example Weapons

Ranged Weapons

Can face Fore, Aft, Port or Starboard. For 1 coin can pivot to Port or Starboard. Arc weapons can fire over other vessels.

Name Benefit Cost
Mangonel: 6 hex (Arc), 1d10 damage 3 Coin
Ballista: 3 hex, 1d8 damage 2 Coin
Mortar: 8 hex (Arc), 1d10+3 damage Firearm*
Swivel Canon: 4 hex range, 1d6+3 damage Firearm*
Broadside Canons: 4 hex range, 1d8+3 damage Firearm*

Tightly controlled firearms can only be purchased from rare sources*

Rear Weapons:

Name Benefit Cost
Drag Barrels: Can be dropped onto the hex behind the vessel, anyone who enters the hex has their speed halved. 1 Coin
Alchemists Barrels: Can be dropped into hex, deal 1d12 damage to anyone who enters hex 3 Coin


You can only have a single ram equipped to a vessel

Name Benefit Cost
Hooked Ram: Immediately board on successful ram 2 Coin
Reinforced Ram: Deal +2 damage on ramming. 3 Coin
Wavecutter (Ram): Gain +2 speed, does not prevent ramming damage 2 Coin

Example Upgrades

NPC vessels have 1 upgrade, players may have 1/2xHD upgrades

Name Benefit Cost
Darkened Hull: Is nearly impossible to detect when unlit at night and has +2d to escape notice. 1 Coin
Advanced Mountings: Designed for battle this ship can have 2 additional weapons. 4 Coin
Layered Hardwood: By layering special hardwoods the vessel gains +1 armor without a reduction in speed. 3 Coin
Oars: Oars act as an extra sail (+6 speed) that is unaffected by the wind. 1 coin, -1 crew
Lightwood: The lightened ballast and wood grants this ship +3 speed 2 coin
Skykeel: Ship can fly, traveling over other ships and gaining +2 to defence rolls. While in the air cannot turn or move, only drift 3 hexes in the direction of the wind Magical1

Each navy has a specialty, vessels in that navy get the benefit from their navy. Players are able to access their shipyards can gain the upgrade

Navy Benefit Cost
Reliquists: May enchant ranged weapons, allowing them to be fired twice in a round. 4 coin
Pumice Clan: Move double [sail] on using Full Sail. 2 Coin
Pale Fleet: Can, as an action, regain 1 crew each round. Can gain +1 bonus crew 2 Coin
Dreadnaughts: Ships have +1 Armor and ignore the wind 2 Coin
Undersea Fleet: Can dive as an action, while submerged cannot be hit and sail at half speed, must surface at the end of their next turn 4 coin

Example Vessels



This lightweight ship is designed for speed to the detriment of everything else, they act as scouts and couriers

HD: 2 AR: 0 Sails: 1 Speed: 7 Crew: 1

Lightwood: This ships light weight constructing gains it +3 speed.

The Smuggler


This medium sized ship uses speed to keep it going, but unlike a caravel it still packs a punch.

HD: 6 AR: 0 Sails: 2 Speed: 6 Crew: 2

Darkened Hull: Is nearly impossible to detect when unlit at night and has +2d to escape notice.

The Longship


Famed for the dwarves who use them, the longships use oars to move fast and board enemy vessels

HD: 6 AR: 0 Sails: 1 (2) Speed: 6 Crew: 1

Oars: Oars act as an extra sail (+6 speed) that is unaffected by the wind. (-1 crew)

The Frigate


This medium sized ship forms the bulk of most forces, well armed enough to defend itself or act as a military core.

HD: 6 AR: 2 Sails: 2 Speed: 5 Crew: 2

Layered Hardwood: By layering special hardwoods the vessel gains +1 armor without a reduction in speed.



A massive vessel the man-o-war is the ultimate vessel of navy domination

HD: 10 AR: 2 Sails: 3 Speed: 5 Crew: 4

Advanced Mountings: Designed for war this ship can have 2 additional weapons.

The Gunship


A new class of vessels, Gunships take advantage of the new cannons to punch above their weight class

HD: 3 AR: 1 Sails: 1 Speed: 6 Crew: 1

Lightwood: The lightened ballast and wood grants this ship +3 speed

The Map


  1. Magical equipment requires a quest to obtain.

#GLOG #Mechanic #NKoG